Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Public Needs to Know Dietary Changes to School Meals

The Public Needs to Know: Dietary Changes to School Meals Children today are in much greater danger of health issues related to poor nutrition and diet than seen in previous generations. As children continue to face the dangers of issues like obesity, more and more programs are aiming to address the issue with effectiveness. It is clear that something needs to be done in regards to helping improve the nutritional intake of school in the state and across the country. Changes to breakfast and lunch menus within districts are directed at improving health and nutritional intake of school children across the state. More and more concern regarding the nature of school meals and how that plays into the dangerous environment Americas children are being exposed to. This concern has prompted many legislative actions that have increased the standards and requirements school meals must met in districts across the country (USDA Office of Communications, 2012). Yet, following these new restrictions can prove quite a costly endeavor for many schools here in the United States. School meal programs already cost around $11 billion annually, and so changes that would require more expensive and fresh foods would strain an already fragile budget for school operations (Nixon, 2012). Government reports show that the funding for such changes will increase dramatically. The New York Times reported an extra 3.2 billion that will be needed by schools across the country to fulfill the newShow MoreRelatedPublic Health Nutrition ( Phn )1700 Words   |  7 PagesPublic health Nutrition (PHN) is the promotion and mainte nance of nutrition related to health and well-being of populations via the organised efforts and informed choices of society (Hughes et al, 2012). 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